How do I create a template?

How do I create a template prompt on FlowGPT?

To create a template prompt on FlowGPT, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the FlowGPT website (opens in a new tab).
  2. Click on the "Create Template" button.
  3. In the "Prompt" field, type in your prompt.
  4. Your prompt should have at least one template option. You can create template option when you type {name:default_value} on the place where you want template. For example: {subject:math}. Using this users will be able to change subject without sending whole prompt.
  5. Add name of the prompt and description. You can use Auto Fill if you don't know what to put.
  6. In the "Tags" field, you can add tags to your prompt. Tags are used to categorize your prompt and make it easier for other users to find.
  7. Click on the "Submit" button.

Your template will be created and added to the FlowGPT database. You can then use your template to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way faster than using normal prompt option.

Here are some tips for creating effective templates:

  • Be clear and concise. The prompt should be clear and easy to understand.
  • Be specific. The prompt should be specific enough to give the AI model a clear idea of what you want it to do.
  • Be creative. The prompt should be creative and allow the AI model to use its imagination.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for the AI model to generate a satisfactory response.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to creating effective templates that can be used to get AI models to do a variety of tasks.

Here are some additional tips for creating templates:

  • Use keywords. When creating a template, it is helpful to use keywords that will help the AI model understand what you are looking for. For example, if you are creating a template for generating a poem, you could use keywords such as "poetry," "verse," and "rhyme" in {name:value} option.
  • Use examples. If you can, it is helpful to provide examples of the type of content that you are looking for. For example, if you are creating a template for generating a blog post, you could provide examples of blog posts that you like. You can say that ChatGPT should bold important things using **, make title or subtitle using # and #, etc.
  • Use tags. Tags are a great way to categorize your templates and make them easier to find. When creating a template, you can add tags to the template. Tags can be anything that you want, such as the topic of the template, the type of content that you are looking for, or the author of the template.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to creating effective templates that can be used to get AI models to do a variety of tasks.

Here are some examples of templates that you can create on FlowGPT:

  • Blog post: A blog post is a type of article that is published on a blog. To create a blog post template, you would need to include the following information:
    • The title of the blog post {title:FlowGPT}
    • The introduction of the blog post {intro:Blog post about FlowGPT Hackathon}
    • The body of the blog post
    • The conclusion of the blog post
    • The tags for the blog post
  • Poem: A poem is a piece of writing that uses rhythm and rhyme to create a certain effect. To create a poem template, you would need to include the following information:
    • The title of the poem
    • The type of poem (e.g., sonnet, haiku, free verse)
    • The rhyme scheme
    • The meter
  • Script: A script is a written document that tells the actors what to say and do in a play, movie, or TV show. To create a script template, you would need to include the following information:
    • The title of the script
    • The characters in the script
    • The setting of the script
    • The plot of the script
  • Song: A song is a piece of music that has lyrics. To create a song template, you would need to include the following information:
    • The title of the song
    • The genre of the song (e.g., pop, rock, country)
    • The lyrics of the song
    • The melody of the song
  • Email: An email is a message that is sent electronically from one person to another. To create an email template, you would need to include the following information:
    • The sender's name {sender:zigamak9@gmail.com}
    • The recipient's name {recipient:jay@flowgpt.com}
    • The subject of the email {subject:Bugs}
    • The body of the email {body:bug information}
    • The attachments to the email {attachments:links, pictures, etc.}

These are just a few examples of the types of templates that you can create on FlowGPT. With a little creativity, you can create templates for any type of content that you can imagine.