Prompt Engineering Tutorial
Basics of Prompt Engineering
What is Prompt Engineering

What is Prompt Engineering?

A prompt is an instruction to an AI model. It can be a question, a text description, or even a text description with a bunch of parameters. The AI model will generate corresponding text or images based on the information provided by the prompt.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of designing and improving prompts to improve the performance of AI models. The goal of prompt engineering is to create AI systems that are highly effective and controllable, and that can perform specific tasks accurately and reliably.

Why is Prompt Engineering Important?

There are several reasons why prompt engineering is important.

  • Human language is fundamentally inaccurate. Machines are not yet able to understand what humans say well, so prompt engineering is necessary to help them understand the intent of the prompt.
  • The current implementation principle of the large language model AI requires some logical operation problems to be additionally prompted to the AI. This is because the large language model AI is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, but it is not able to understand the logical relationships between the words in the text. Prompt engineering can help to bridge this gap by providing the AI with the necessary information to perform the desired task.

How to Use Prompt Engineering

There are a few things to keep in mind when using prompt engineering:

  • The prompt should be clear and concise. The AI model should be able to understand the intent of the prompt without any ambiguity.
  • The prompt should be specific. The AI model should be able to generate the desired output based on the information provided in the prompt.
  • The prompt should be relevant. The AI model should be able to generate the desired output only if the prompt is relevant to the task at hand.


Prompt engineering is an important AI technology that can be used to improve the performance of AI models. By designing and improving prompts, we can create AI systems that are more effective, controllable, and accurate.