What is the community?

What is the community page on FlowGPT?

The community page is a place where users can come together to discuss, share, and learn about AI and FlowGPT. It is a great resource for getting help, finding inspiration, and connecting with other users.

What can I do on the community page?

On the community page, you can:

  • Create discussions: You can create new discussions about any topic related to AI and FlowGPT. This is a great way to get help, share your ideas, and connect with other users.
  • Comment on discussions: You can comment on existing discussions to share your thoughts and feedback. This is a great way to contribute to the conversation and learn from other users.
  • Vote on discussions: You can vote on discussions to help determine which ones are the most popular and helpful. This is a great way to show your support for the discussions that you find most valuable.
  • Follow users: You can follow other users to stay up-to-date on their discussions and activities. This is a great way to connect with other users who share your interests.
  • Join the Discord server: The FlowGPT Discord server is a great place to chat with other users in real time. This is a great way to get help, share your ideas, and connect with other users.

How do I get started with the community page?

To get started with the community page, simply click on the "Community" at the FlowGPT navigation bar. You will then be taken to the community page, where you can browse existing discussions or create your own.